Activate & Unlock
Uncertainty pushes our anxiety and panic buttons so we try to force and manage it into something we are familiar with. When we stubbornly insist on controlling certain outcomes, the fullness of possibility is diminished which robs the uncertainty of some of its magic.
Rather than viewing uncertainty from a managing or forcing lens, try instead to activate and unlock the essence of the thing you are working on. Every idea, project and person has an essence of 'genius' that is inherent to it or them. This organic quality is not going anywhere and wants to be discovered. Available to us all, activating and unlocking what is hidden in uncertainty happens when we attentively unearth and coax out the magic of what we are working on instead of demanding our "signature" or idea onto what something should be.
"The idea is the whole thing. If you stay true to the idea, it tells you everything you need to know, really. You just keep working to make it look like that idea looked, feel like it felt, sound like it sounded, and be the way it was. And it’s weird, because when you veer off, you sort of know it. […] It says, “No, no; this isn’t like the idea said it was.” And when you’re getting into it the correct way, it feels correct. It’s an intuition: you feel-think your way through. […] At some point, it feels correct to you. And hope that it feels somewhat correct to others." — David Lynch